Application Process and Deadlines

How do I obtain the application?

The application for the NAMUHOPE Foundation Scholarship Program is available online and is posted on the Downloads Page.

Writings required with application

The NAMUHOPE Foundation Scholarship Program application requires students to respond to 6 short answer questions each limited to 200 words in length, and 1 essay question limited to 500 words in length. These responses must be the student’s own writing. The questions are as follows:

  • Describe one specific example of your leadership? (short answer).
  • If you could choose one topic or area (it could be academic or extracurricular) in which to have unlimited knowledge or talent, what would it be and why? (short answer)

  • Tell us about a time when you persisted through a challenge. What encouraged or motivated you to carry on? (short answer)

  • Describe one or two personal strengths or passions you would utilize to help others, then tell us why you chose those characteristics? (short answer)

  • What’s the reason for applying this scholarship? (short answer)

  • Briefly describe a stimulating educational experience of yours (for example, a book you read, a paper you wrote, or a project you completed). Then share what you learned from that experience and how it has shaped future plans for your education. (essay)

Things to submit

  • Student Application:  which includes demographic information about applicant and family.  Parent(s)/guardian(s) self-reported adjusted gross income amount.

  • Copy of Report cards or transcript from 9th to present grade (high school).

  • An academic Recommendation: From a teacher in a core academic subject (English/Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies/History, Foreign Language).

  • A personal Recommendation: From a mentor, coach, or a second teacher/instructor who is not a family member.

    What happens if an application is incomplete or is submitted after the deadline?

    Applications must be submitted by the deadline of 07/31. CST. Incomplete applications and those submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

    Who do I contact with questions regarding the scholarship application process?

    All questions about the application or NAMUHOPE Foundation Scholarship Program should be directed e-mail to

    Are there any costs or fees associated with applying to for NAMUHOPE Foundation Scholarships?

    There is no cost or fee associated with completing and submitting a  Scholarship application.

    When and how are the scholarship winners announced?

    All applicants, whether selected for the scholarship or not, are notified by e-mail in starting 08/01. Recipients’ names will not be published by the  Foundation

    How many Scholars will be selected?

    There will be up to 10 scholars selected in every year

    Scholarship Timeline :